Friday, October 4, 2024

W7D1 Press

October 4, 2024

W7D1. Step back day to set myself up for a max next week. 65-75% of last weeks set and rep volume. Good cause I'm feeling beat up.

I also re-weighed my 270# sandbag due to the 300# feeling so heavy last time. The 270 is closer to 275 and the 300 is about 308. Bought the 140kg Cerberus bag to match the rest. Should be here soon. I'll empty the Ironmind bag into it.

AD Press 80k x 3 x 3r

CG Barbell Bench 110.5k x 2 x 4r

WG Flat Handle Pulldowns 77.5k x 3 x 5r

Cable Incline Row 105 x 3 x 8r

Standing Crunch 55k x 3 x 6r

Bottom Setting Cable Laterals 25e x 2 x 6r

Thursday, September 26, 2024

W6 Dead’s

September 26, 2024

Week 6. Still dropping weight but not managing to eat on schedule or enough so I'm getting a bit zapped. 

Deadlift 385 x 6 x 5r

One Arm High Cable Row 75e x 4 x 8r

Triceps Pushdowns 90 x 3 x 8r
Nautilus Curl 130 x 3 x 8r