Tuesday, April 30, 2019

W2 Deads n Stuff

April 30, 2019
Before Supper

Week 3. Played with my stance width on the deads and wider is feeling a bit more powerful.

Paused Deadlifts - Just off of the floor
WU to 405 x 5 x 3r

Snowing so went back to Z-Press. Bar at eye level
40k x 3 x 12r - RP the last few reps

Sissy Squat MYO BW x 12-4x4r

Pallof Press LT x 3 x 12r

Monday, April 29, 2019

W2 Squat/Bench

April 29, 2019

Week 2. Starting my new jumble. Didn't eat prior to working out too. Got a gallbladder attack from all of the coffee. Eno and nap prior to hitting the basement.

Disassembled the reverse hyper between sets as there's supposed to be a buyer showing up this afternoon. I hate selling on Kijiji. Still sick.

Rotator W 3 x 30r

Squat wu to 175k x 5 x 3r

Bench Press wu to 122k x 5 x 3r

Z-Press MYO 60k x 10-2 *drop the weight to 45-50k next week. Might be the lack of food, sickness, or just freaking weak.

2" DB Row 86/101/106 x 8r - slick DB handle

Friday, April 26, 2019

W3 Press

April 26, 2019
Before Supper

Week 3. Came back from the comp feeling a bit oogy on Monday. Figured I just needed a day of rest. Nope. Freaking sick with the snot production in full steam. Today I'm so-so but still snotty..... and sqwarty. Wore Oly. shoes.

Strict Press wu to
220 x 6 x 1r
175 x 2 x 5r, 4 x 4r

Bodyweight Tricep Extensions x 2 x 20r

BB Row 225 x 3 x 10r

I think I may start doing my singles as push-presses next week and up the weight and stick with the strict stuff for the assistance. If I'm going to get 275 PP this summer I'll have to dial in my form and get used to keeping heavier weight over my head.

Friday, April 19, 2019

W2 Press

April 19, 2019
Before Supper

Week 2. Grandgoobers running around. Grip comp Sunday. Changed the progression on my assistance sets so they complete the cycle at the same time. Next week I want to try with my heeled weightlifting shoes and see if there's a difference. Should be less energy leakage as I wear runners for pressing typically.


Press wu to
220 x 5 x 1r
175 x 5, 5 x 4r

Done until the comp. Might do some really light grip tomorrow to aid in recovery and keep the groove.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

W1 Deads

April 18, 2019
Before Supper

Week 1

Front Squat w/Harness wu to 118k x 2 x 5r

Deadlift wu to
385 x 4 x 4r
445 x 2 x 2r
385 x 8r

Ring Row 3 x 15r

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Axle Futzing

April 17, 2019
Before Supper

Hoping for some burnout and supercompensation for Sunday's comp. Grip is definitely fried. Very tough to even lift 273 right now.

DO Axle Deadlift wu to
273 x 5 x 1r
263 x 5 x 1r
253 x 5 x 2r

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

W1 Bench

April 16, 2019
Before Supper

Week 1

Plate W x 3 x 30r

Bench Press wu to 113k x 5 x 5r

DO Axle Row 213 x 5 x 5r

Rear Delt Fly 30/35/40e x 6r

Seated Hammer Curl 45e x 2 x 10r
DB Skullcrushers 45e x 2 x 10r

Monday, April 15, 2019

W1 Squat

April 15, 2019
Before Supper

Week 1. Let's see if I can string together 8 weeks without getting sick. Lats are freaking SORE from the overhead stuff on Saturday. Spent all day with the grandgoobers yesterday, mainly in the yard and chasing them around on the jungle gym stuff at the playground. Inside of my left elbow is goddamned tight too. Very tough to get under the bar.

Squat wu to 163k x 5 x 5r

DO Axle 213/223/233/243/253/253/233/213 x 5r - minimal rests, none on down-sets. Last 3 sets pulled conventional

Saturday, April 13, 2019

W1 Press

April 13, 2019
Before Supper

Week 1. Back to another Hepburn cycle. Changed my press grip to having my pinkies in about an inch from the rings. Also focusing on locking the weight out behind the skull for a pause.

Yardio - 60 minutes. Mow, dethatch, etc. Didn't get the bar tracking back on the second rep and did a iso above my head.

Strict Press wu to
220 x 1/f/1/1/1
175 x 5/5/5/4 - light headed

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Axle Futzing

April 11, 2019
Before Supper

Axle futzing while I'm grilling.

DO Sumo Axle
213/223/233/243/253/253/233/213 x 5r

Switched to conventional for the last three sets. Last 253 and 233 were RP'd. No real breaks between the last three either. All done in 23 minutes including heading outside to clean the grill and flip steaks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

W7 Bench

April 9, 2019
Before Supper

Week 7. Bench was feeling pretty weak today. Bench and bench reps blow after weight loss and illness. So weak :(

Plate W x 3 x 25r

Bench Press wu to 128(129)k x 4, 125k x 5/4/4/3

Bench w/SS 152.5 x 2

Done. I'll have to do some work tomorrow.

Monday, April 8, 2019

W8 Squat

April 8, 2019
Before Supper

Week 8. Done my cycle of antibiotics, still a bit oogy and taking OTC sinus medication. I think I've only had 3-4 weeks that I haven't been sick this year. Sucks.

Squat wu to 186k x 5 x 3r
DO Axle Deads wu to 303 x 1, 4 x F - just short of controlled lockouts. Really depressed over this. My axle hasn't been this week since 2008. Fuark...

DO Axle RDL's 213 x 3 x 8r

Went back to my journals from 2012-13. First thing that stuck out is I'm usually sick in January. Second thing was in relation to the axle; I was putting into my hands 3+ times a week for different movements. Axle deads, cleans, reverse curls, Pendley rows, RDL's, SLDL's, etc. Time to do that again. I was also doing blob and wrist work a lot.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Squat/Bench Mash-up

April 3, 2019
Before Supper

First day of having any ability to get under the bar in over a week and a half. Gone from 283# to 268#. Loaded up on antibiotics. Haven't stayed up later than 7:00pm in a few days.

Squats pumped the shit out of my legs due to not doing them for a bit. Holy crap. They're going to be sore tomorrow.

Keep today to just the basics. Same as later this week.

Squat wu to 154(155)k x 5 x 5r

Bench Press wu to 131(132)k x 3 x 3r