Saturday, November 27, 2010

GNC Grippers

Went to GNC yesterday and bought a pack of the heavier 3 grippers for $19.99.
1st opinion is that I like them, especially for that price. Pretty stiff grippers as well. The 250 is about 150# RGC and the 300 feels to be about 165-170#. I also like that they have a little narrower spread for easier setting, smaller diameter handles (11/16" I think) so that they work for BTR for 3/4" handles and that the handles are steel so nice and weighty feeling.
So far the only thing I font really care fir is the knurling. It feels like Heavy Grips or Bonecrusher knurling which kind of has a greasy feel to me. I'd rather have non at all as this stuff doesn't really do much of anything.
Other than that is how well the springs wear but only time will tell with that one.


  1. Hey,
    Happy you are reviewing these... I seen them last time I went to GNC and wasn't sure if they'd be any good.

    When you say "The 250 is about 150#", do you mean that the poundage isn't what is on the box or they're easier than say the CoC grippers?


  2. Thanks for checking out my blog.

    When I mention that they're about 150# I'm referring to the RGC scale or method of calibrating grippers. All ratings are nominal numbers but the RGC produces a more replicatable method. The poundages on ironmind, Tetting, RB's etc. are more of a grouping number based on a closing strength taken from around the middle of the handle. RGC is always the very end, 1" strap, etc.

    Most IM 3's, Tetting Grand Masters, Baraban 260's are all usually around this 150# RGC weighting although there are some big time fliers out there pushing the envelope on much lower and higher grippers. Usually the better named grippers such as the IM are a lot more consistent.

  3. Hi,
    You think that "how well the springs wear but only time will tell with that one."

    Have you been using them a lot?
    How is the spring?
    Is it weaker?
    How is handles spread?
    Is it sama as you bought them?

    Thank you for your answer.


  4. Thanks for looking in. I've been using the 250 for rep work since I got it and am really liking it. I haven't noticed to much seasoning yet but it's still pretty early to tell. The spread is similar to Beefbuilders at around 2-3/4" or so (I haven't measured them though).

    All in all I'd say to pick up a set, especially for the price that they're being offered for. They'll still be useful for strength gains.

  5. Hi Jason,

    Thank you for your answer I appreciate it.
    Please let us know if there will be something that we should know about those grippers for instance if you will notice some seasoning or handles spread will change.

    I will keep eye on this site:-D


  6. hy Jason, i see you bought some GNC gripers back in 2010, do you still use them? did they got any weaker by now?

    Thank you for the answer!

    1. I'll still use them and haven't really noticed a change but then again I probably haven't hit them with enough volume to bugger them up. I think they're a great gripper for the price and are of adequate quality and spring feel.
