Friday, June 28, 2024

1st Press Day Back

June 28, 2024

First day I've been allowed to press siince June 1. Empty bar but it's something. Essentially two weeks off of pressing so I'm staying light and low on the volume.

Press 45 x 5 x 10r

DB Press 100e x 6 x 5r

WG Pulldowns 75k x 4 x 10r

Facepulls 20/25/30 x 20r

A) DB Skullcrushers 40e x 3 x 10r
B) Seated Hammer Curl 40e x 3 x 10r

Mace Futzing 12k x a few rounds

Monday, June 24, 2024

W1 Squat

June 24, 2024

Week 1. Took last week off other than some mace practice. Got some weird nerve pain that's migrating around my right leg the past two days as well. Oh well. Stop whining. Doing just a simple 4 week block before some days at the lake. Today marks 1 week of only having one coffee per day as well as hitting a controlled 10# weight loss over the past 3 weeks. 268.0# this morning. 

Had some sciatica pain flare up on my right during squats. Definitely could see some twisting to compensate on the leg curls. Maybe more unilateral stuff. 

SSB Box Squat 152k x 6 x 5r

Lying Leg Curl 50 x 8/15/15

Seated CS Row 200 x 4 x 10r

Calf Raise 240 x 25/20/15/15

Single Arm Stretched Cable Curl 25/35/45 x 12r

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

More Mace and Rehab

June 19, 2024

More mace practice and stretching. Did a few sets of tick-tocks then went into 10&2's. They felt like crap so I watched a video that was pretty helpful with some active stretch instruction. Practiced some more and got much better. Also focused on a dump and pull which seemed to help. After about 10 sets the last one I went for around a minute before I had a form break. Well, a break from consistent reps anyways. Called it there on a high note.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Sunday, June 9, 2024

W1 Squat

June 9, 2024

Week 1 Strongman Cube for a second round. Starting to cut weight tomorrow as well. It's time. Had to mow the lawn so I can do the lunges in the backyard.

SSB Speed Box Squat 0:30 rests 138.5k x 8 x 2r

Walking Lunges BW (276.8#) x 3 x 15r

Standing Calf Raises w/HBS 190 x 3 x 25r

CS T-Bar Row - paused contraction 70 x 3 x 15r