Wednesday, August 21, 2024

W2D2 Press

August 21, 2024

Week 2, day 2. Upper back and lats felt it good today.

AD Speed Press 60k x 10 x 3r

DB Bench 90e x 3 x 12r

DB Row 156.5# x 5 x 6r - first set strapless

CG Pulldown 65k x 3 x 12r - dropped the weight. Backs pretty pumped after the rows.

Cable Laterals 20e x 2 x 15r

Monday, August 19, 2024

W2 Dead’s

August 19, 2024

Week 2. Lunch hour speed run. Repeat the assistance next time. Massive pump.

1) Deadlift 335 x 6 x 5r

2a) CS T-Bar Row MYO 95 x 3 x 10r
2b)Triceps Pushdowns MYO Match 80 x 3 x 15r

3a) GHR BW x 2 x 12r
3b) EZ Cable Curls MYO Match 70 x 3 x 12r