Friday, February 25, 2011

Squats and Grippers

February 24, 2011
Well at work today I reverse bent a couple of gr5 bolts in IM pads and tweaked my elbow again. I must leave that crap alone if I'm going to continue to heal. Setting heavy grippers also aggravates it but luckily choked grippers do not so that's what I've been doing.
1a) Squat
45 x 5, 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 335 x 3, 365 x 3, 385 x 2, 405 x 1 My old PR weights are here and gone now :-)
1b) Choked Grippers
R Elite @ 17mm x 1, 19mm x 1, 21mm x 1, 1, 1, 1
L Thor GM @ 15mm x 1, 17mm x 1, VVN, VVN, 15mm x 1, 1
2) One Armed RT Reverse Curls
22# x 20/20, 19/16, 17/16

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cardio and some Coaching

February 22, 2011

Hit the treadmill for a walk last night while I coached the boy a bit.

30 minutes = 1.3 miles

I did some hub lifting after that and played with my wide pinch trainer (4" HSS) and did a bunch of pulls at ~54#. I dropped it down to 37# for the boy to and he came very close to lock out. I managed some thumb/index finger lifts with it with my right hand.

Here's what I had the boy doing last night. He's actually learning squat and pull form quite well but needs some more time on his pressing movements.

1a) Trapbar Deads - 3 sets of 5
1b) Bench Press - 3 sets of 8
2a) Ring Rows - 3 sets of max
2b) Wide Pinch - 3 sets of max

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Squats and Pinchin'

February 20, 2011
Mid-Length Braced Bend cert success with 28" x 5/8" A-36 HRS Round
February 21, 2011
Attempt at 26" x 5/8" A-36 HRS Round in the early afternoon. I think I can do it next time, fresh and more technique honing.
Before Supper
1a) Squat
45 x 5, 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 255 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
1b) L Blob Pulls
40#HW x 5/3, 5/4
45#EW x 15/5, 15/5, 15/4, 15/5, 15/4
2) Hubbing
45# x 1/1
55# x 1/-
62.5# x 1/-
3) Shoulder Shocker
35# Plate & 10# Plates
2 Cycles of 8 reps each

26" x 5/8" A36 Braced Bend Attempt

110221 67.5# Hub Lift

Pieces for my Dumbbell - NPS 8 Pups

Friday, February 18, 2011

Squats and Pinching

I've been a bit on again, off again this week due to life stuff. Oh well, my left elbow is still on the mend, it feels okay but if I push it it flares up so I'm still keeping away from rowing and pressing movements.
I'm not sure what all I've logged this week but here are some highlights:
February 14, 2011
Recieved my order from the States and got to attempt and do a 5 x 10's loose pinch lift. Throughout the day I also did tons of choker work with an elite choked to 20mm for my right and my hard Thor GM choked to 15mm for my left.
February 15, 2011
I gave my very first go at mid-length bar (30" x 5/8" A36) braced bending. It folded but took about 7 minutes or so. I learned a bunch.
February 16, 2011
Brought my Vulcan to work and it tweaked my elbow again. I'll stick with the choker work for a bit. I gave another go at 30" x 5/8" A36 and got it down to about 5:30 minutes or so. I faultered with my leg crush. If I remember to just let the loop go out behind me next time it'll go much quicker.
February 17, 2011
1a Squat - 45 x 5, 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
1b Lblob Lifts
R 40#HW x 5, 5
L 40#EW x 5 HW x 5
45#EW x 10/5, 10/5, 10/3, 10/4, 8/1
EZ Reverse Curls
85# x 15, 15
Shoulder Shocker - Giant Circuit, no rest
a Seated Plate Raise - 35# x 10, 10
b Seated Side Laterals - 15# x 10, 8
c Seated Shrug, Scarecrow, 1/2 Press - 15# x 10, 4

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My First Braced Bend 30" x 5/8" A36

My 5 Dimes Width

Sporadic Training and a PR

February 14, 2011
Life's been getting in the middle of my last couple of training days so getting my core workouts in has been a no-go. I did take a couple of choked grippers to work with me and did multiple closes all day. My left I used my tough Thor GM that I got off of Chad at 15mm and my right I used a Elite at 20mm.
I was pleasantly surprised when at about 3:00 in the afternoon the Fedex man showed up with my new plate and I got to finally try a five dimes pinch and it came up nicely. I did the left at home and tried six as well (got some hops).
Oh, and I was going to try some braced bending but when I went out to the garage there was ice up past the bottom of the door so I couldn't open the sonofabitch. Next time  :evil:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Grip Strength Radio

Anyone who wants to keep Grip Strength Radio going please let Jedd know. The feedback he's been getting hasn't been sufficient for him to keep up the effort.

This is a really great resource and Jedd puts a ton of effort into each show. Let's let him know we're listening and care.



Squats, Grip and Rehab

February 10, 2011
Well my left elbow is still rehabilitating so I'm staying away from any left hand grip work and pressing and pulling movements as all would aggrevate it. I ended up just testing with some singles MMS on grippers for my right and dammit I missed every close by a mm or less. Pissed me off. I dunno I may change up my gripper routine for 4 weeks using maybe choker work one day and the Vulcan on alternating training days. We'll see. Anywho, just the setting, tension or whatever of doing grip work on my right was tweaking my left elbow a bit as well.
I wore my Rehband elbow sleeves for this workout and my new Rehband strongman belt. The belt I just kept the neoprene wrap on up until my last couple of sets where I added the belt. I really like how nice and warm it keeps the back.
45 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
335 x 3
365 x 3
385 x 1
395 x 1
These felt really good and strong last night. I think I could've made a few more hops ahead but this was good enough to keep me gaining.
Grippers - Right Only MMS
4X OS - VN, VN
5/8" GM - VVN
#3 - VVN
These all pissed me off. What the hell!
Sledge Wrist Deviations
8#@ 12" x 6/6
8#@ 14" x 6/6, 6/5
RT Reverse Curls
22# x 18/15, 12/12

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

110207 First Attempt at a Ring Dead 305# on pin

110207 8# rear weaver for benders battlefield

A bit of Monkeying Around

February 8, 2011
BW: 258# I've been eating clean and restricting my calories, honest :-)
Today was a bit of an active recovery day plus a bit of monkeying around while I let my elbow heal so everything with the exception of the shoulder work was done by my right exclusively.
Blob50 Assisted lifts and holds
Blob50 Plank Drags
Blob50 Band Deloads
One Armed Ring Deads
180 x 1
215 x 1
250 x 1
270 x 1
315 x -
305 x 4", 4"
"Shoulder Shocker" Giant Circuit - All sets and reps done without rest
a: Seated Plate Raise - 35# x 10, 10, 8
b: Seated Side Laterals - 15# x 8, 8
c: Seated Shrug, Rotation and 1/2 Press - 15# x 8, 8
This little circuit sure jellied up my shoulders hahaha! It was recommended by David Horne and is on the T-Nation site. I figured I'd give it a go seeings as pressing is out due to my elbow for the time being.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Volume Catch-up, Pinch and Bending

February 7, 2011
I wanted to get my benching in that I missed out on the day before but my elbow was crapping out.
Bench Press
45 x 10, 135 x 5, 215 x 5 - Elbow is not up to it
DO Bending
Cut up a bunch of 8" x 3/16" CRS
Bent one in IM pads with the intent of going through 10 but was feeling way to tweaked. That elbow's buggering everything up!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My New Schedule I'm Trying

Here's a rough look at the new schedule I'm going to try for a bit. I hope that the bending and grip don't get to conflicted. For grippers, 2HP and V-bar I'm using Aaron C.'s protocol and for blob work I'm using Jedd's SST program. Bending will be DO work with Ben's kink focus program. I need to add a bunch of sledge and band work to my diet to protect my elbows I'm finding for the reverse so I'll be doing that almost daily for the next month the get the workload up there.
Feel free to comment.
Sunday - Core Volume Focus
Squat 5 x 5
Bench Press 5 x 5
Axle Deadlift 1 x 5
Reverse Curls 3 x 15
Monday - Pinch Focus
Thin Pinch
Thumbless RT
Bend - DO
Tuesday - Core Active Recovery Focus
Squat 2 x 5
OH Press 3 x 5
Band GM
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Core Max Lift Focus
Squat 1 x 3 (2 or 1)
Bench Press 1 x 3 (2 or 1)
Hang Clean 5 x 2
2" V-Bar
Friday - Pinch Focus
Thin Pinch
Saturday - Off

Cycle 2 Start Week 1 - Volume & Grippers

February 6, 2011
BW: 255#
Well I was heading in to a great workout until I complete my left hand gripper work that I left from the day before. Dammit my arm was killing me after! Well that left me with no bench work and I definitly wouldn't manage my axle pulls either as it hurt just to exist with my arm. I tried cold cupping as per Brents advise and it felt better for a bit but with the constricted blood flow my arm seized right up. I then grabbed a heating bag (one of the ones you microwave) and put it on. Circulation returned and it frigging killed worse than before. I took some motrin and rubbed my arm down with mint oil which helped for a bit. I finally ended up just taking a bath and resting my arm up on the edge. Once the swelling left it felt a lot better.
I did some sledge rotations... a lot actually and did a bunch of spins with my wrist rocker which seemed to make it feel substantially better.
Anyways here's the work. I plan on doing my bench and axle work prior to pinch tonight to catch up.
45 x 5, 135 x 5, 235 x 5 x 5
Gripper 3/4" Block Set - Left Hand
EZ Reverse Curls
85 x 15, 15
Sledge Rotations
8# @ 12" x a lot each way, all night
Wrist Rocker
Empty x a lot each way

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Epicondylitis and some grip

Well I'm going to have to reorganize my grip stuff if I'm going to start bending again. My grip was super bagged yesterday for grippers (and still is). I've also tweaked my damn left elbow again so I've been wearing my Rehband's. I think I may spend a good 4 weeks doing a bunch of sledge and band work before going into heavy reverse bending again.

February 5, 2011

Only managed my right hand for grippers, my left epicondylitis was making me to teary to work my left :-(

Man these 5/8" handles hurt hahaha!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Missing some crabcakes

Man! I came across this picture this morning of the best crabcakes I've ate in my life. The Rinderle's took me to a place called G&M down in Maryland. They'll ship them but not out of the States.....BUGGER!!!

If you guys get the chance go and eat some or even order them if you're south of the border. They're awesome!

Reverse Bending

I gave a bit of a go at a piece of 1/4" x 7" square CRS reverse last night in 3/4" leather.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some pinching

February 2, 2011
Well I had a pretty good pinching day all in all. One thing though my 2HP was crap after all of the blob work tonight. I'm thinking I'll have two seperate alternating pinch workouts; one blob focused and one 2HP focused. My left hand didn't improve a lot with the blob tonight but it had some kind of weird tweak in the wrist that I think is to blame.
L. Blob Full Pulls
32.5# HW x 1/1, 2/2, 3/3
40.0# HW x 1/1, 2/2
45.0# EW x 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/3, 5/2, 6/2, 7/2, 8/2, 6/2, 6/1, 6/1", 6/1, 6/1
Climber Style 2HP
2" Pinch Block Curls
Weight on Pin - 20# x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
Weight on Pin - 22.5# x 4/2
Thumbless RT
112# x 5/5, 5/5, 5/5

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Deload Week

February 1, 2011
BW: 253#
Still going through my deload week. The boy's been getting more serious about coming down for a workout these last couple of days and he really impressed me with his squat form as compared to Sunday. It was tight, in full control and looked strong. He's getting pretty impressed with these huge beginner gains from nervous function, form and strength and I think that'll really help motivate him to keep striving to do better. I really wish I had someone way back in my past that taught me some proper form to start with. I can't wait for him to go set foot in a commercial gym someday and see all of the half squats and bouncing benches going on and to be glad he didn't learn that as the norm.
45 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5, 5
Seated BB Shoulder Press
45 x 5
95 x 5, 5
Ring rows
BW x 8, 8

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grippers, V-bar and some Bending

January 31, 2011
I did my gripper workout during my 3 o'clock break today so my hands would be recouped enough to still have a good V-bar workout. Once I got home I did my 2" V-bar work then watched Jedd's new nail bending DVD. I was a little dozy towards the end so I'll have to watch it again this weekend but I ended up digging through some of my stock that I had in storage from the move and doing a couple of bends.
I found some Tree Island 60d's and reverse bent four of them relatively easily and I also found a half dozen or so 5/16" x 6" gr2 bolts so I took one down DO and that was good enough for the night.