Saturday, May 8, 2021


May 8

Benching with my feet on the ground again today. The stretch over the abs feels weird at the scope spots but hopefully it'll limber up properly again. Almost 2 weeks since I benched with a bar last.

Also picked up a new seated shoulder press bench yesterday and started talks for a new grip comp. later this year in Calgary. Welp, figured better start some grip training again. As always with the TTK the front is lifted slightly so I can't push down and cheat it.

Also pondering dropping assistance while there's okay volume with the primary stuff while I add grip back in.

Bench Press 141k x 1, 126k x 5 x 3r
DB Row 100e x 10/10 R-20 L-25 - grip left

Grip between sets
2.5" Crusher Lifts 103 x 2 x 5r
2.5" Crusher Holds
R-103 x 0:20/0:20/0:15
L-103 x 0:10/0:10/0:07
TTK One Hand 5 x 10, 7.5 x 3 x 10r

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