Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bummer Pull Session

May 27, 2012

Well today was the culmination of doing a 10 week pull program. Today blew. I think the programs fine it's just I buggered with my diet last night by having a pizza. I've been eating paleo since early April and I think that the carbs completely destroyed my guts. Since I ate it and prior to my pulls I probably hit the can 7-8 times. Can't be good for a max pull but I gave it a shot.

I also reread some stuff in the Westside Book of Methods where Louie said if you've got a problem locking out in conventional to straighten out your feet so I tried that today for the first time. Probably not the best day to try something new but I think it did help some.

I also reread what Rick Walker found to be his favourite assistance exercises. Great little article on his blog.

1) Deadlift - CV
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 1 - These were all very fast and crisp.

Added the belt
455 x 1 - Blam
495 x 1 - Blam
530 x 1 - Went nice and crisp but there was a little grind to it whereas I hoped there would be zero slow down.
560 x F - Big psyche up and stalled below my knees. Watched the video and it looked like my shoulders weren't back far enough. I was just going to try a crisper 550 but I figured I should at least try and PR.
555 x F - A little better than the 560 but I defeated myself mentally with a bad set up and reset.
505 x 1, 1 - I only did the two as I expended a bunch of energy with the fails.

2) RDL's
315 x 10, 9 - Wow! First time doing these in ages and my ass and hammies were getting super pooped. These need to be getting done more.

3) Shrugs
585 x 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 - Upper back is thrashed. These need to be getting done more as well.

Well I didn't get my new PR today which is kind of a bummer but I know I WILL get it eventually. No rush.


  1. first of all, if you have a good program and you don't get hurt, there isn't such a thing as bad day of training. you probably already know this but i only recently discovered it. i believe that although we have some bad days where gravity seems to get the better of us, we learn and lay down more time under tension. this adds up to gains over the long term.

    regarding the pizza, i believe it probably was the gluten and not the carbs that got you. i can eat potatoes and rice (both carby starches) with no stomach problems. eat some gluten and i am a wreck. you are probably more sensitive to it now due to not eating it in so long. pizza and beer can be some of the hardest things to avoid in the long term. then again, i have goals just like you so it makes it easier for me to avoid that stuff.

    1. Ya I still consider it a good one as I got lots of pulls in over 90% so I know I put some work into the ol' strength bank :D

      Another point on the diet might be I've been pounding the creatine mono hard over the past week and have probably filled my stores up to much which gave me a reaction.

      Am I ever beat up today anyways lol!
