Monday, December 19, 2011

BTN Presses, Hammer Curls and Reversing

December 19, 2011 - Before Supper

1a) Seated BTN Presses - Wide/Snatch Grip
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3
185 x 2, 2
180 x 2, 2, 2

1b) Standing Hammer Curl
55 x 3
60 x 3
65 x 3
70 x 3, 2, 2, 2, 2

2) DU in 1" Singles - Iso's

3) Reverse in IM pads - Touching
6" x 1/4" gr8 - 2h 52' STINKING CAMERA WASN'T ROLLING!!!
6" x 1/4" gr8 - 4h 30'

First time working the BTN presses in ages. Felt good. Hammer curls felt good as well. I was very strict with the right but had a tad bit of English with the left.

Very happy with my reverse bend and very upset that the camera didn't record it. When I tried again about 10 minutes later I couldn't pull it off. My elbow was sore after the first one and I could barely move my arm after the second one. Lots of ibu and I'm feeling tons better again. I must only reverse every 7-10 days again.

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